24 Hour Dental Treatment Commack
For Dental Emergencies in Suffolk County Call Either…
Emergency Dental Care 7 Days PC
(2 locations)
207 Hallock Road, Suite 5
Stony Brook, NY 11790
310 Commack Rd
Commack, NY 11725
(Medicaid Not Accepted)

Dr. Eric Baum of Stony Brook Family Dentistry
Important First Steps to Take Following the
Occurrence of a Dental Emergency
Experiencing a dental emergency can be one of the more traumatic experiences that you will experience in your lifetime. There is often significant pain associated with a dental emergency and often it will be accompanied with bleeding.
A dental emergency can include chipping or cracking a tooth, completely knocking a tooth out of the mouth, or even loosening or knocking out fillings, crowns. bridge work, or dentures.
What you do immediately following the occurrence of your dental emergency will directly impact the way that we will have to treat your injury when you arrive at our office, and can be a determining factor for how successful the treatment will be.
The most important thing to do is to call us and schedule an appointment right away. Be prepared to describe in detail the nature of the emergency. We will be able to advise you on how to address any pain, and what steps to take to save your tooth.
The old wives tale about placing the tooth in milk is actually true. If you knock out a tooth, you can place it in milk, or a saline solution, to keep it moist. You can also hold it in your mouth between your gum and cheek. It is very important not to handle tooth by the root as this can damage cells that are necessary for reattachment to the bone. This is not necessary if it is a baby tooth as these cannot be reattached, though we still will need to examine the child’s mouth to determine if any fragments still remain that could cause additional pain or
If you chip or crack your tooth, you can use an ice pack to help reduce or minimize swelling. In all cases, if you are experiencing significant pain you should avoid using aspirin as it can cause additional bleeding. Instead use Ibuprofen to treat your pain. Never apply any pain killer to the gum near the injured tooth as this can lead to burning of the gum tissue. Also, never rely solely on pain medication. While it can help to eliminate the pain, it will not treat the cause of it. We will need to examine your mouth to determine the correct treatment to use for your injury.
Keep calm during a dental emergency. There is often a great deal of pain and fear that accompanies such an emergency, but it is important to remember that taking these first steps will help us to more effectively treat your injury and will likely minimize the amount of intervention that we will have to do once you arrive in our office.
Phone numbers to use for dental emergencies in Suffolk County…
Emergency Dental Care 7 Days PC
(2 locations)
207 Hallock Road, Suite 5
Stony Brook, NY 11790
310 Commack Rd
Commack, NY 11725
(Medicaid Not Accepted)