For an Emergency Dentist in NYC Call…


The New York City dental office listed on this page is available to handle dental emergencies 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Call the NYC dental emergency walk-in office right now for an immediate appointment anywhere in Manhattan.

We realize that you would most likely see your regular dentist if you had an accident that resulted in a broken tooth; a loose denture, crown, or bridgework; bleeding, swollen or painful gums, etc.

However, we are also aware that most dentists ARE NOT available late at night, on weekends, or holidays.

So, what do you do if you have a serious dental emergency but your dentist is unavailable?

The answer is simple…you call us!

You do not have to suffer in pain all evening or all weekend while waiting for your regular dentist’s office to open. In fact, with certain types of dental emergencies you can actually cause permanent damage by delaying treatment.

Dental emergencies often occur at the worst possible times. That’s why we have created a resource where you can find an emergency dentist in NYC who is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week who accepts payment by credit card and also accept most dental insurance plans.

Dental Emergency Tips

What should you do if you have a broken or knocked out tooth?

What most people don’t realize is that an injured tooth begins to die within 15 to 30 minutes of impact. That’s why it’s critical to see a dentist right away after any tooth trauma. Knowing what to do when dental accidents occur can mean the difference between saving and losing a tooth. Here are a few tips:

If you break a tooth…
Rinse your mouth with warm water and apply a cold compress to reduce any swelling, then call a 24 hour emergency dentist in Manhattan to make an immediate appointment. If you can find the broken part of your tooth, be sure to take it with you.

If your tooth is knocked out…
Pick it up by the top, not the root, and don’t rinse it or remove any attached bits of tissue. If you can, carefully re-insert the tooth into its socket and gently hold it in place. If that’s not possible, put it in a cup of milk or hold it between the cheek and gums so it doesn’t dry out. Then call a 24 hour emergency dentist in New York City as quickly as possible.

Questions Your Emergency Dentist Will Need You to Answer

When calling an emergency dentist’s office it is helpful if you can answer the following questions so that they can provide the best dental care possible:

  • What is the nature of your dental emergency?
  • When did it start?
  • Is there any swelling?
  • What is the degree of the pain, on a scale of 1-10?
  • Are you having any hot or cold sensitivity?
  • What medications are you taking? Antibiotics? Pain killers?

By providing answers to these questions the emergency dentist can prepare for your arrival and provide the best treatment to get you out of pain as quickly as possible.

For Dental Emergencies in NYC Call…

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