Emergency Dentist Available 24 Hours a Day
Serving the Residents of Park Slope, Brooklyn
For Dental Emergencies in Park Slope Brooklyn Call
Dr. Robert Amirian at Advanced Dental Care…
(718) 690-3145
(Medicaid Not Accepted)
142 Joralemon St., Suite 6E
Brooklyn, NY 11201
(718) 690-3145
(Medicaid Not Accepted)
Do NOT suffer in pain! When you have a dental emergency you need to see a dentist immediately…no matter what time or day of the week it is.
Pain in the teeth or anywhere else in the mouth is typically a sign that something is very wrong with your dental health. Waiting hours or days to get yourself examined by a dentist can make a mild dental emergency into a severe one that has permanent and lasting negative consequnces for your oral health.
Do NOT Wait to See a Dentist!
Call a 24 Hour Emergency Dentist in
Park Slope Brooklyn Right Now!
Some Steps To Take Following A Dental Emergency
A dental emergency can occur while doing almost anything. Sometimes dental emergencies are the result of some traumatic event such as an auto accident. Many times they occur at times that we might not expect them. We have had patients that have come into our office that have even had dental emergencies that happened while eating, exercising, playing, and many other activities that seem very harmless.
Dental emergencies can include cracked or broken teeth, teeth that are loose or have been knocked out, or can even be such things as knocking a crown out. What you do immediately following a dental emergency can significantly impact the type and difficulty of treatment for your injury. Here are a few tips to keep in mind in case you have a dental emergency.
It is very important to call our Brooklyn dental office right away so that we can advise you on steps that you can take to lessen your pain and possibly save your tooth before you come in to our office.
If you have knocked a tooth out, we will have the best chance of saving your tooth if you come into our office within one hour of the occurrence of the emergency.
You should handle the tooth by the crown, not the root. Touching the root can cause damage to cells that are essential for re-attaching the tooth to the bone.
If the tooth has become dirty, rinse it with water but do not scrub the tooth. Place the tooth between your gum and cheek to keep it moist. Alternatively you can wrap it in gauze and submerge it in milk or a saline solution.
Baby teeth cannot be replanted into the mouth, but the child should be brought into our office so that we can inspect to make sure that none of the tooth still remains inside the mouth to cause additional pain and injury.
Cracked or chipped teeth can be rinsed with warm water, and then you can apply a cold compress to reduce swelling. Pain can be treated with Ibuprofen prior to arriving at our office. Do not use aspirin. Aspirin is a anti-coagulant and its use can lead to excessive bleeding in an emergency.
Experiencing a dental emergency can be a very frightening thing, however by acting quickly following an emergency, you can reduce the risk of infection and increase the likelihood that we’ll be able to repair the injury with the minimum amount of intervention.
For Dental Emergemcies in Park Slope, Brooklyn
Call 24 Hours a Day, 7 Days a Week
(718) 690-3145